Hacemos más que desarrollo de Software. Damos soluciones tecnológicas no sólo para resolver problemas sino para minimzar el impacto en el planeta.
“The ability of Julasoft to adapt to the specific needs of the logistics and insurance industry and align technology with a long-term sustainability vision has been a distinctive advantage in our collaboration.”
Ramón Rama Leis - Sales Director at Dimensiona Consultoría Tecnolóxica S.L.
Julasoft is a business based in La Plata, with its business office located in calle 472 No. 465, City Bell, dedicated to the development and implementation of custom-made web and mobile based software solutions.
info@julasoft.com Calle 472 nº 465, City Bell, Argentina.
Sales Representative: España – Valencia
OCEANGLOB LLC 1 West Camino Real Blvd. L 33432 – Boca Raton FL
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